Creative Biolabs ViroAntibody has distributors worldwide for your convenient antibody purchasing. Select the local vendor below in your country.
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For more information please contact us and you will get satisfactory and professional guidance with our enthusiasm.
Your Local Distributor

1A Dalmore Drive Caribbean Park, Scoresby VIC 3179 Australia
Phone: 61397642566 Toll Free (Aus): 1300 543 373
Fax: +61 3 8648 5841
Email: info@jlresearch.com.au
Website: http://www.jlresearch.com.au/

PO Box 3114 Ivanhoe North, VIC 3079 Australia
Phone: 1300792218 ( With in Australia) +61 405 701 981
Fax: +61 8678 3150
Email: INFO@ASSAYMATRIX.COM;tak@assaymatrix.com
Website: http://www.assaymatrix.com/